Australia ranks 70 out of 77 school systems in terms of how disruptive classrooms have become

Teachers need our support.
Incredible research by the OECD has found that Australia ranks 70 out of 77 school systems in terms of how disruptive classrooms have become. Two in five students say their classmates don't listen to what their teacher says. And almost half say there is noise and disorder in most or all lessons.
Teachers can’t be expected to respond to this crisis alone. Good and respectful behaviour is a community issue that requires a community response. Teaching young people how to be active bystanders is a bottom-up and proven approach to tackling these types of poor behaviours. Active bystanding has a positive impact on students and reduces the pressures that teachers encounter every day.
The Stand Up Project will be making a submission to the Australian Government's Committee: “The issue of increasing disruption in Australian school classrooms” to advocate for more active bystanding training in schools. If you would like to contribute to the submission, please let us know.


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